George Hunter has served as a pastor, evangelist, consultant, educator, and writer. Among other things, he’s served as the United Methodist Church’s executive for evangelism, and then as founding dean for Asbury Theological Seminary’s School of World Mission and Evangelism, being named the seminary’s first “distinguished professor.” With over 20 books, he may have published the most extensive academic literature concerning Christian Evangelization in Christianity’s history. Though Dr. Hunter retired from Asbury Seminary in 2011, he continues to write, speak, teach, and consult in the USA and beyond. Join us as we welcome him and learn about Transformational Christianity through a special seminar April 4th and 5th and at our morning services on April 6th! Check out full details below. We hope to see you there!

A Weekend with George Hunter
Special Seminar: Friday from 7-9pm and Saturday from 9am – 12pm
Located in FFC Connection Center
Food will be provided at the seminar and affordable childcare is available.
Registration Required

Sunday Services – 9am & 11am


FFC App users: *Register through the webpage.*