Our Core Values

Worship (Know God)

Gathering is God’s plan, our privilege, and brings power. Anytime in Scripture the Church could gather, they did. Gathering in God’s presence helps us find what fulfills our lives, and it helps others see their need to do the same.

We seek presence over performance.

We worship an audience of One because we need the presence of One. His presence changes our lives through obedience, not merely performance. Everything we do is aimed at honoring Him.

We give God our best, not what’s left.

We don’t want to give God our leftover time, energy, money, or obedience. He is worthy of all, wise above all, and wanting to help all. When we put Him first, He does what we can’t.

Discipleship (Find Life)

God’s Word is the transformational truth.

The Bible was inspired by God to bring clarity, healing, and blessing to our lives. It’s God’s truth and always points to Jesus, who promised to give life to the fullest. We are passionate about reading it and letting it read us.

Prayer is our priority and privilege.

Prayer connects us intimately to the Father, who is ready and willing to meet our everyday needs. Prayer is the practice of conforming to God’s will, not getting Him to conform to ours. As we experience His goodness, it turns from duty to delight.

We recognize our need for the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said it would be better for Him to leave earth, so we could have His Spirit live in us. The Holy Spirit is a close friend and comforter. He guides us in God’s Word and gives us power to live the life He knows is possible.

Community (Build Friendships)

We were made to experience life with others.

God created us for community, not individualism or isolation. God Himself chose to exist within community – Father, Son, and Spirit. We were made to exist in community because we were made “in his image.”

We prioritize building, maintaining, and enjoying relationships.

The Church is most often referred to as a Family in Scripture. That’s God’s vision for His people. Since good relationships need nurture, we make room for them in our hearts, homes, and church home. We live to bring out the best in each other.

We seek unity of the whole over personal preference.

We want to be unified as a family, not just satisfied as individuals. Therefore, we make every effort to live in peace with others, treating them as we’d like to be treated. We embrace the work of unity to experience the worth of unity!

Mission (Make a Difference)

We live with forever in mind.

We know our time on earth is temporary, and our time with God is forever. So, we prioritize people and things that have eternal value. We aim to store up treasures in Heaven as Jesus modeled and taught.

We serve like Jesus.

We commit to serving one another like Jesus did. Regardless of background or status, Jesus served people. He washed his own disciples’ feet, prayed for lepers, and taught the value of loving one another and “the least of these.”

We commit to reaching our neighborhoods, region, nation, and world for Jesus.

Jesus gave us this Great Commission- to go and make disciples of all peoples. Teaching and nurturing life God’s way is our world’s biggest need and our great responsibility. We live excited to share Jesus with our world!