We exist to celebrate God and champion People. FFC is a community committed to making disciples of Jesus who are helping people win locally, nationally, and globally. This is a place where you can know God and be fully known. It’s where friends become family.

Join us in person or online!


Good Friday

April 18th at 7pm

Easter Sunday

April 20th at 9 or 11am

Join us on April 18th for a special, Scripture-based, creative service designed to remember the night of Jesus’ crucifixion. We’ll step back into history to remember and contemplate what it would have been like to experience that night through His eyes and consider what He meant when He invited us to “Remember.”

April 18th at 7pm

Childcare available for ages 0-5

On Easter Sunday, we’ll gather to celebrate the crux of our faith – the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This is the event that proved that Jesus was the Messiah God promised to send and that anchors our faith in both life for eternity and victory in the present. Come celebrate with us through powerful worship, insightful Bible truth, opportunities for prayer, family photo opps, and much more!

April 20th at 9 & 11AM

ffcKIDS GIANT Easter Egg Hunt
ffcKIDS GIANT Easter Egg Hunt

ffcKids will be having a special service of their own, where they’ll hear the resurrection message in a way that they can understand and take to heart. Through teaching and object lessons, they’ll engage meaningfully with the story of Jesus Christ. We’ll also celebrate together with a GIANT Easter Egg Hunt! It’s a weekend your kids won’t want to miss!

Love Your Neighbor Day!

Easter is a time when people's hearts are more open to the gospel than at almost any other time! That's one reason we like to take this opportunity to meet people right where they're at, showing the love of Jesus in personal, practical ways. You can click below to see the projects happening and the various ways you can share God's love and light with others this spring. We hope to see you there!

Christ's Kitchen Meal Distribution
Meal Box Distribution


Tell us a little about you and your family and we will help you have a successful first visit!